Grid congestion is a handbrake to renewable energy investment and must be urgently fixed. Urgent reform to grid access and congestion management is required to ensure the uptake of future clean energy projects in Australia. without this, investors will continue to see higher levels of risk in the Australian market.
A recent member survey by CEIG highlighted that investors consider the risks due to grid congestion in the Australian market have caused a 100-250 basis point increase in the cost of equity for Australian renewable energy projects compared to other OECD markets. As a result, many investors are focusing on the US, European and Asian markets instead of Australia.
Informed by research undertaken by Castalia Strategic Advisors, CEIG is advocating an alternative transmission queue reform proposal where the grid access regime is designed to apply across the National Electricity Market, and within State based Renewable Energy Zones.
Presentation to the Energy Security Board (ESB) on CEIG's alternative approach to congestion management
Prepared by Castalia Strategic Advisors, February 2022
Read more about CEIG's alternative grid access reform option for congestion management
Q&As for CEIG Grid Access Reform Proposal prepared by Castalia Strategic Advisors, April 2022
Castalia/CEIG Response to Transmission Access Reform Consultation Paper May 2022