Investors in the clean energy sector currently face significant market and regulatory barriers that create unnecessary risk and push up the cost of investing in clean energy projects in Australia compared to other OECD markets.
The Clean Energy Investor Group has drawn on the wealth of experience of its investor members to present recommendations for market reform which can drive down the cost of capital for the clean energy transition in Australia. These are organised under five Clean Energy Investor Principles.
As federal, state and territory governments consider the future design of the National Electricity Market, Clean Energy Investor Group has developed the Clean Energy Investor Principles, supported by expert modelling and regulatory analysis from Rennie Partners, to show how we can unlock the low-cost capital Australia needs to accelerate the clean energy transition.
Watch CEIG CEO, Simon Corbell, speak to the five Investor Principles which can help drive down the cost of capital for the clean energy transition in Australia.
Prepared by CEIG, August 2021.
Prepared by Rennie Partners, August 2021.